Wing Chun Denver™:
Originally established in 2000 by Senior Master Instructor Keith Worfel under the name Denver Wing Chun, Wing Chun Denver™ is the primary branch of the Traditional Wing Chun Gung Fu Foundation LLC.
Wing Chun Denver™ is devoted to the teaching of Ving Tsun Gung Fu as handed down directly from Great Grandmaster Ip Man, through Sifu Keith’s sifu: Grandmaster Ip Ching.
We are not a full time school. Group classes are held in a private setting during the morning or evening, and are scheduled on a weekly basis, by appointment only.
Members of the school enjoy a limited class size to ensure maximum benefit for all students, allowing for a more personalized approach to training. Anyone interested in becoming a student of Sifu Keith, please feel free to email Wing Chun Denver™.
The training studio at Wing Chun Denver™ includes all necessary Ving Tsun training equipment: Mook Yan Jong, Mui Fa Jong, Look Dim Boon Gwan, Bot Cham Dou, wall bag, and kicking, elbow, and punching pads.